About Us
Here at Fuller Bee Supply, we stand for quality at a reasonable price, and we will strive to meet all your beekeeping needs. We are a charitable minded company and a certain percent of all proceeds go toward charitable organizations and humanity projects. Our passion for beekeeping has inspired us to start Fuller Bee Supply.
Our goal is to encourage people to become beekeepers for our environment's sake and educate beginners on how to become successful beekeepers. We want to encourage you in helping us achieve this goal by chiming in on our blog. You can simply do so by creating your account and begin in the chat. If you have any questions the blog is a great place to ask those questions so that experts can help answer your question.
We strongly encourage all beekeepers to take a beekeeping class by offering discounts to those in class. We like to promote well educated people like Joe Komperda.
The Average Joe Beekeeper – Certified Master Beekeeper Advisor to the Colorado State Beekeepers Association (CSBA) & CO State Delegate to the American Beekeeping Federation (ABF) Free Seminar/Presentation: “Bee-Engaged: An Average Joe Beekeeper’s Guide to Installing Nucs & Packages” - Free. Thursday March 11, 2021 at 7pm MT -- Register at: https://happybusybees.com/presentations/ Basic Beekeeping Class: “Bee-Engaged: An Average Joe’s Guide to Basic Beekeeping” Class (Virtual) - $89. Starts Monday March 15, 2021 at 6:30 pm MT running on three consecutive Mondays -- Register at: https://happybusybees.com/classes/

Hive Inspection

Honey Products

Honey Push
About Us
Here at Fuller Bee Supply, we stand for quality at a reasonable price, and we will strive to meet all your beekeeping needs. We are a charitable minded company and a certain percent of all proceeds go toward charitable organizations and humanity projects. Our passion for beekeeping has inspired us to start Fuller Bee Supply.
Our goal is to encourage people to become beekeepers for our environment’s sake and educate beginners on how to become successful beekeepers. We want to encourage you in helping us achieve this goal by chiming in on our blog. You can simply do so by creating your account and begin in the chat. If you have any questions the blog is a great place to ask those questions so that experts can help answer your question
If You Are thinking of buying a NUC we strongly encourage all beekeepers to take a beekeeping class by offering discounts to those in class. We like to promote well educated people like Tim Brod, Ken Fuller with Fuler Bee Supply
Here is information on the first two “Bee-A Beekeeper: An Average Guide to Basic Beekeeping” Virtual Classes scheduled for 2025:
Two classes of “Bee-A Beekeeper: An Average Guide to Basic Beekeeping” have been scheduled for the first quarter of 2025. This Basic Beekeeping Class is for those who are thinking about becoming Beekeepers (“Wanna-Bees”) and for Beginning Beekeepers (“New-Bees”) or Intermediate Beekeepers (“Experienced -Bees”) looking for a Basic Beekeeping refresher course or increase your knowledge.
It will be run via Zoom on three consecutive Tuesday evenings in February and; March 2025 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm MT. Class dates are: Feb 11, 18, 25, and March 4th if necessary 2025
A second round of classes will begin in March
Total contact time is between 6 and 7 1/2 hours (three 2 to 2-1/2-hour sessions) and registration is $50 per household.
Send an email to: sales@fullerbees.com with “Basic Beekeeping Class” in the Subject to be included on further announcements and information on these upcoming classes. You can register here on our website, just look for bee classes on any page
Click here for more details & to Register for February Classes
Click here for more details & to Register for February 2025
Click here for more details & to Register for March 2022
The Average Joe Beekeeper – Certified Master Beekeeper
— Register at: https://happybusybees.com/presentations/
Our Policies here at Fuller Bees are as Follows;
- Our merchandise is curbside pickup on all products and a delivery option is available on certain products. When you check out please be sure to know if you are wanting the product delivered or if you will use our curbside pickup. All deliveries will be in a timely fashion, free from defects.
- All returns will be subject to restocking fees unless the product is found to be defective, No restocking fee will be required if you are needing to exchange or taking a store credit.
- Customer contact information is secure and is not stored and will not be used for advertisement of any kind.
- At checkout, you information is protected by SiteLock and not seen by Fuller Bee Supply or stored in our system. Your information is secured and Protected by the credit card processing company as well.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at sales@fullerbees.com
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Hive Inspection
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Honey Products
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Honey Push
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