
Plastic Queen Clip
July 9, 2020
Commercial Grade Lumber
10 Frames and foundations with Deep Hive Box (CM))
July 26, 2020

5 Frame Spring Nucs 2025


By buying your colony online, you agree that we cannot guarantee that you will be able to successfully continue to establish a bee colony. You agree to put you new colony into a permanent hive. We do not refund any money for bee colonies that do not survive transit or fall short of expectations or not picked up on day of delivery (unless previous agreement has been made with Fuller Bee Supply).  Please call us immediately after you get your bee colony home if you have any concerns or questions. 



78 in stock


Nucs always have an advantages over packages. With our unpredictable spring weather, they are substantially more robust than packages. The queen is already accepted and laying. They contain more bees, brood, and some established food supplies in drawn combs. Nucs will also build up more readily into strong colonies due to their initial advanced maturity and size.

Our Nucs with the hybrid Queens are:
> Good honey production
> gentle disposition
> successful overwintering
> hygienic behaviors