
Hive Bench Stand Stands
January 7, 2023
April 26, 2023

Combed Honey Boxes And Lids


SKU: N/A Category:

These revolutionary boxes take the place of standard medium or deep frame. A medium or small frame is equivalent to 4 LB of boxes. For each frame you can use (4) 1lb boxes or (8) 1/2 lb boxes or (16) 1/4 lb boxes. mix and match any combination to add up to 40 Lb of boxes. With medium box you will need a shim as shown in pictures. Please Note that prices include lids for 1 LB and 1/2 Lb boxes. NO LIDS   for 4 oz Boxes

You DO NOT have to use just combed honey boxes ; you can use regular frames in same honey box as well. It is suggested to use 2 rows of boxes side by side and frames next to those two if desired frames and combed honey.

Once Hony is capped just put assembled lid on and its ready for storage or market

These boxes come unassembled and just takes a few second to assemble.

Must order 40 LB of boxes mix and matched any way.


Additional information
Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 8 in
Combed Honey Boxes with Lids

1LB, 1/2LB, 1/4 LB