A Quick Guide to Buying Your First Hive According To Scope

Everything You Need To Know About Keeping Bees Is Here
September 24, 2020

Beekeeping is a very challenging and rewarding activity for passionate people. Whether you want to eat fresh honeycomb or you want to beautify your garden through pollination, you will need to invest in the right beehive ace all your goals related beekeeping. The great news is that there are numerous types of hives in which you can invest to settle the bee community.

To get started beekeeping, you will need to buy a hive that can help you settle the bee community. The following are the tips and techniques to introduce the bees to the right hive without a hitch.

1.    Get a Top Bar Hive

When it comes to purchasing a lightweight hive, the top bar hive is the ultimate choice. The top bar hives would make your beekeeping process fun and easy. Consume sufficient time to look for a local beekeeping supplier to purchase a hive from 10 pounds to 30 pounds. Moreover, you also opt for multiple hives to settle the bee community appropriately. Ensure to perform regular maintenance of your top bar hive to meet all your goals without any hassle.

2.    Buy a Warre Hive

Don’t forget to ask your local beekeeping supplier regarding Warre hives. Ensure to ask the salesperson all questions that are doodling in your mind about Warre hive. By doing this you can easily invest in a Warre hive that will truly fit your needs. If you are planning to accommodate more than 40 pounds hive then you must opt for Warre hives. It is a good choice for people who need two hives. Keep in mind to perform occasional maintenance if you want to see your bees in action with no regret. If not you will miss a great option to meet your hive keeping goals effortlessly.

3.    Purchase a Langstroth Hive

Ensure to ask your local storekeeper about the Langstroth hives if you are willing to lift 40 pounds or more. fuller bees staff will help you to figure out the importance of Langstroth hives. By doing this you will cater to your bookkeeping needs as well as have great fun with many hives. However, by opting to Langstroth hives you will need to perform occasional maintenance. Otherwise, it would become a tough challenge for you to achieve your all beekeeping objectives.

4.    Build a Hive Stand

To keep your hive above the ground, you will need to build a hive stand with concrete blocks. It is vital to place your hives in the optimal location to expose it to the morning sun. Make sure that the hives are a minimum of 20 inches above the ground. By creating a concrete foundation you can protect bees from all living creatures as well as check the hives with no hassle. Furthermore, you will also not need to bend to lift up heavy hives of more than 40 pounds. Or else it might become a daunting task for you to protect your bees as well as to perform regular maintenance.

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